Monday, December 27, 2010

Sewing again!

I have been sewing lately, just the Christmas gift aprons that I bought fabric for a few months ago. The first was for my mum. It was a rush at the end so I don't have a shot of the finished apron. Here are a few WIP photos:
Cutting out. I should really get a proper cutting ruler.

Preparing the pockets.

Top section waiting to be attached to the waistband. If you compare with the first apron I made with this pattern, you can see that I made the straps wider and halved the width of the ruffles. This looked much better.
I hope to get a shot of the finished apron sometime soon. Currently I'm about 80% of the way through another of these, in a different fabric, for another relative. There is one more to do after that, which I hope to have finished within the week.

After that there are many sewing projects I could start. While up to now I've preferred sewing clothing, I keep seeing quilting things on the web to the point where I'm thinking of trying a small quilt. My girls keep raiding the linen cupboard for towels to use as dolls' blankets and pillows, so a doll quilt (or several) would be a useful and manageable start to quilting. Hmm, better just get the aprons done and go from there.

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